product manager + facilitator + educator


I'm a product manager with a unique background as an experienced, trilingual administrator, educator, and facilitator. I’m results-driven, with analytical experience in building and maintaining relationships between clients, providers, and stakeholders to ensure successful, long-term partnerships. I excel at prioritization and at cross-functional team leadership through collaboration, empathy, and mutual respect.



Research and assessment drive all


A journey map is a living document; education requires agile re-assessment


Empathy, patience, and real listening are required


Consistency in language and design - terms to frameworks to overarching ideas


Effective use of planning and recording tools 


Qualitative and quantitative research to drive planning


Detailed reporting to a multitude of stakeholders


Coaching, encouraging, and facilitating self-management


Helping a group of people stay focused on goals and targets


Fostering buy-in


Developing a clear vision and communicating it clearly


Creating an environment that encourages people to ask questions


Planning proactively enough to adapt quickly


Responding gracefully to an always-dynamic environment






- Organizational communication

- Cross-functional team leadership

- Agile strategic planning

- Project management

- Attention to detail

- Excellent customer service

- Creative thinking and problem-solving

- Multilingual: English, Spanish, French; some Japanese



core qualities

- Comfortable with ambiguity and a dynamic environment

- Engaged listener; genuinely curious

- High emotional intelligence

- Lifelong learner and avid reader with a growth mindset

- Great attitude and strong common sense




Wheels Labs.  Los Angeles, CA   2022

Product Manager


- Streamlined communication across startup organization: time saved in everyday workflow and faster resolutions

- Drove work stream to develop Standard Operating Procedures across nascent company

- Co-wrote Quarterly Review and company OKRs for all teams; presented to board

- Resident expert and content creator for Notion, company’s all-in-one productivity and project management tool

- Translated weekly engineering releases across nascent and complex organization, for staff and CEO

- Wrote website copy, company glossary, and SOPs

- Shaped systems across startup, resulting in successful acquisition



Western Middle School for the Arts.  Louisville, KY   2019

ESL Teacher, 7th & 8th Grade


- Created and taught curriculum

- Conducted frequent assessment and reporting

- Drove services through regular meetings with stakeholders



Kentucky Refugee Ministries.  Louisville, KY   2007 - 12

ESL Program Coordinator


- Managed 501(c)(3) nonprofit school’s operation, teachers, and volunteers 

- Created agenda, drove meetings of cross-functional stakeholders with focus on decision-making

- Tracked program effectiveness, capturing data and reporting on progress internally and at state level

- Interpreted: Spanish and French 

- Wrote syllabus and taught English, vocational, and cultural survival courses to adult refugees



Ibaraki Prefectural Board of Education.  Mito, Japan   2004 - 06

English teacher, high school


- Developed and facilitated trainings for educators

- Wrote and taught dynamic lessons

- Cross-cultural collaboration




Indiana University Southeast 

Post-graduate English as a Second Language Certification   IN  2019


Bellarmine University  

Master of Arts in Teaching   KY  2018


Kalamazoo College  

Bachelor of Arts, cum laude

Majors in Studio Art + French   MI  2004


L'Université Cheikh Anta Diop

Foreign studies   Dakar, Sénégal  2002 - 03


The Philadelphia Center

Coursework, field visits, and internship  PA  2001




LinkedIn Learning courses

  • Product Managers First Steps

  • Transitioning to Product Management

  • Communication for Product Managers

  • Technology for Product Managers

  • Managing and Working with a Technical Team for Nontechnical Professionals

  • Managing Virtual Teams 

  • Building a Product Roadmap

  • Building a Product Strategy

  • Learning Data Analytics

  • Lean Foundations

  • Agile Foundations

  • Agile Project Leadership


General Assembly courses

  • Non-tech Roles in Tech

  • Intro to Customer Journey Mapping

  • How to Optimize Your Work Performance


+  Grant WritingCenter for Nonprofit Excellence.  Louisville, KY  2010

+  National Refugee and Immigrant Conference: Issues and Innovations.  KY  2008

+  Working with Survivors of Torture workshop, Gulf Coast Torture Treatment Center.  KY  2008

+  Intensive, immersive Spanish study.  CELAS Maya School.  Quetzaltenango, Guatemala  2006

+  Conferences addressing indigenous issues, civil war and genocide in Central America.  Guatemala  2006

+  Japanese language. Mito International Center + Council of Local Authorities for Int’l Relations  2004-05

+  Apprenticeship to Master Jeweler Sanga Gueye.  Dakar, Sénégal  2003

+  Sustainable development program, Resource Center for Social Participation.  Sénégal  2002




  • Boulder Taiko drumming troupe performer   CO  2022 - present

  • Longmont Artists' Guild    CO   2021 - 2022

  • Lefthand Artist Group   CO   2021 - 2022

  • Firehouse Art Center member artist/ volunteer ceramic studio attendant  CO  2021 - 2022

  •  AA Clay studio member   KY  2019 - 21

  • Navigators inclusive scouting, co-leader    KY  2017 - 18

  • Semi-professional company member + regular performer, Academy of Flamenco Arts   KY  2009 - 21

  • Volunteer tutor to resident Tibetan monk   KY  2010 - 13

  • Squallis Puppeteers volunteer performer   KY 2009 - 15

  • Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts volunteer usher   2010 - 12

  • Greater Louisville International Professionals   2009 - 12

  • Center for Nonprofit Excellence   KY  2008 - 12

  • Speaker, event organizer, committe member: My World Talks About Race   KY  2008-‘09

  • Just Creations fair-trade store volunteer   KY  2007

  • Thrown Together Ceramic studio member   KY  2007 - 08

  • Louisville Clay Association   KY  2007

  • PADI Open water diving certification   Malaysian Borneo  2006

  • Katsura Taiko Drumming Troupe performer   Japan  2005 - 06

  • Treasurer, Ibaraki Association for the Japan Exchange and Teaching Council   Japan  2005 - 06

  • Mito Shogyo Karate Dojo, 1-dan black belt, Shito-ryu style   Japan  2004 - 06

  • Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme   Japan  2004 - 06 

  • Francophone JETs   Japan  2004-2006